CH5 18
Apparently Lark’s mother knows a lot about what her son is getting up to. The worst part is that this might be a recorded response that has just been added to over the years.
That being said, one has to wonder exactly what kind of parents someone as jaded as Lark would have had to of had. I would love to start hearing theories about Lark’s family. Not because they’re coming up next chapter or anything, but more or less to see if people can guess exactly how bad this is going to turn out for Hasera.
Good old Mom.
Lark’s mother is a very special woman, as we’ll find out in the future. I don’t want to go into spoiler territory, but let’s just say she may or may not have almost destroyed Alteria in the past, and it may or may not have been in order to make a birthday cake.
She sound like my kinda gal Jim. I If neither of us (lark’s mom) and I weren’t previously engaged in relationships. I do believe it would tempting to ask you to introduce us.
I could show her my chili and corn bread recipes.
His mother sounds like the kind that will see Hasera and immediately grill her on the spot about everything regarding her not so little or angelic son. She sounds like a woman with the temperament of Goddess herself.
I hope by now you are all feeling better. Strep is not fun to have, and all you being sick at once even worse. I hope the family is collectively feeling better.
So far so good on the sickness front. Knock on wood.
Kinda picturing Lark’s parents to be the Fockers (from ‘Meet the Fockers’, as played by Barbra Streisand and Dustin Hoffman)
Or maybe Gomez and Morticia from the Addams Family.
A little bit of the Addams family found in their parenting style, truth be told. Terrifyingly enough, a mix of both of the Fockers and Addams is kind of accurate for Lark’s parents.
One thing is for sure, they do spontaneously dance.
Do they ‘finger-snap’? o_O
If you’re asking whether or not Lark’s parents are beatniks, the answer is no.
I’m not even sure how to describe Lark’s life growing up other than ‘unique’.
Ohhh. Nice! There is a little bit of that ‘aloof’ kind of parenting found in them.
Just seemed appropriate considering the sort of person Lark is: his parents would be more laid-back and ‘chill’
Hrmm, kinda raises the question of how long two cycles is. And how often the ban gets raised.
On another note, feeling just a tad self satisfied right now.
I must ask – why are you feeling self satisfied?
The ban itself gets raised maybe twice or three times a year.
Two cycles is two rotations of the Oculus, two day cycles (Bright light side shining light) and two night cycles (Two sequences of low, blueish light from the other end of the Oculus. Y’see the planes of Alteria are literally flat. Alteria doesn’t rotate around the Oculus, but rather, the Oculus spins around Alteria, with two sides that continually rotate. ‘Days’ are when the Oculus gives off a warm, orange-yellow light and as the night cycle begins, the orange facing of the Oculus rotates fully upwards to be replaced by the blue facing.
8 of the 9 Planes has an Oculus. 1 of those is ‘broken’ and only shines blue light (Unclaimed). The one missing is an Oculus is because a God broke it when trying to leave Alteria, fragmenting it into the surrounding space, causing tiny shards of the Oculus to give off light.
Hope that was interesting to read! I got lots more!
Very interesting in fact. Usually in any given story I find the lore to be the part I most enjoy.
Speaking of which have you considered creating an expanded lore/world page for those details not critical to the main story?
From what I remember of OoME and what I’ve seen here you create very interesting worlds, it would be fun to read about the details.
The satisfaction comes from calling who sent the message last page.
Ah! Excellent.
Yes. I do have a large document about the world building of Alteria, her Gods and their cultures. I keep wanting to set up a wiki to do it on, but I find that integrating a wiki into a WordPress site is a pain in the ass (Mainly because I’m stupid and like to do almost anything I get my hands on from scratch)
I have found an acceptable plugin and am transcribing the documents I have into the knowledge base. I hope to have this up for Monday so that you may browse through the world of Alteria. I will be adding to it as time goes on, mind you and if you think of any subject you’d like covered, I can probably get that written up, too.
Sweet! I look forward to giving it a read.