Ch5 20
A little bit of a somber reminder about what transpired only a short while ago, but it would seem as though Hasera isn’t exactly squeamish when it comes to blood and places that some of her potential comrades had fallen.
Now then, who thinks Lark has already left? Show of hands!
Speaking of hands, I’d like to ask anyone interested in the world of Alteria, her history and her Gods to check out the lore page. Here you will find a general breakdown of important world building information that contain as little in the way of spoilers to the main story as possible.
If anyone has any suggestions, or thinks of a question they have about the world, please do not hesitate to ask and I’l see about adding it to the lore, so long as I can write it up without giving away too much of what’s happening in the story currently!
Calmer than i would have been after see all that blood.
I mean, honestly. She doesn’t even stop and utter a prayer. How callous could she be towards these people who ridiculed her and didn’t take their jobs as seriously as she did?
Having butchered many animals in my life, the blood would not have phased me as you’re implying either. However, I would still have been rather upset about the mess having coated all of my stuff… Do you know how hard it is to get the smell (and stain!) of blood out of REGULAR clothing? Lets not even talk about heavier materials like the bag would be made of…
Yeah. Hass was having none of that. She just tossed it (and her poster) aside. She kept what was important – knowledge.
You mean the smutty Lark books
Smut is still knowledge.
I absolutely love this line of conversation. Smut is still reading material, dang it! You will not win!!! *huffs* I might have had this discussion a time or two… >.>
A wise woman then.
She is not the hero(ine) we want, she is the hero(ine) we deserve
Girl has priorities
Nothing less than a knight…shining.
Heh, I guess that bag is too spoilt to bother with. But, I approve her saving the books.
Sad thing is I have seen a room like that when I worked in healthcare an age ago. Hydrogen Peroxide does wonders to take blood out of clothing and carpet, but I well I think her bag being a lost cause was a good call. Books are always important. Words can be weapons. If reading doesn’t kill it makes a good bludgeoning object. After all when is the last time getting wailed with a dictionary was enjoyable?
Isn’t there an old saying? “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me”. I bet if you beat someone with the dictionary of names, it would hurt.
Also, you cannot beat knowledge into someone, Storm. Trust me, I’ve been experimented on. All it does is give you an unhealthy obsession with syntax!
HAHA! That is true, but sometimes taking up a volume of war and peace, and telling someone we can do this the peaceful way or I will unleash the books of war is worth it.
Yeah, just don’t use that peroxide on organic clothing and some synthetics (I forget which of those to be honest) It can either eat up the material or bleach out any dye job. :\ Never ask what happened when I used some 50% peroxide to clean the filtre and pump for an aquarium once. Honestly, I swear as the Great Banana is my witness I thought I’d pre-rinsed properly.
You murdered all those poor fish! You monster! J/K. Oversight is horrendous like that.
Why would she want to keep Lark porn? You know he’s a total slut. Any woman can have him and then you can watch it live.