Hey all,
It is with great sadness that I will be reporting on the status of My Hero! As it stands, it will be going on Hiatus. In the new year, we will be returning to Out of My Element and rebooting the story of Jillian. This time with more emphasis on the world of Tess’la and the intricacies of how everything between humans and elementals work. We learned a lot while doing My Hero! and while we had hoped to get to the final chapter, sadly, this will not be the case at this time.
I could provide lengthy texts about the entirety of the story, but you would miss out on Alli’s amazing artwork that helps to convey the over-the-top emotion of the characters and the fantastic colours of the world.
I could look for another artist that could continue to post the story, but this project was always meant for Alli’s vibrant colours and expressions.
We have been discussing the future of My Hero! and while we both love Hass and Lark, Alli’s been feeling more and more the urge to return to the project that we have considered our baby since we first penned the name. As an artist, it’s hard to fight a muse.
We know that this is a bit of a shock and it might make some of you unhappy. The pandemic kind of put somethings in focus for us – mainly that if we’re going to get our baby ever finished, we need to stop perfecting it and just tell it.
So we hope you come and join us in the new year over at OoME.
Thank you all for the time and support you’ve given us.
OoME IS BACK!!!! YAY! Time to go reread that in preparation for new stuff
Wot U sed! I’ve been sneak-reading it in the background and I’ve come to adore Jillian. Now I have an incentive to catch up.
Meanwhile (back at the ranch, as it were) I’ll be thinking of Jeff and Hass as a couple and wondering how they’re doing in the background.
Aw, c’mon, things were just starting to get interesting! But seriously, I’ll be seeing you over at OoME.
I guess I’ll be there, in the hope that third time’s the charm…
Wow, amazing timing- I was going through my old comic bookmarks only a couple of days ago, and thinking sadly how much I’d liked OoME, and too bad it had stopped. This announcement makes me happy! Though I do hope you eventually reach a place where both can go forward, even if they have to take turns. Like Tigress Queen and Far To The North. I really want to know what happens next with My Hero AND with OoME!
Found this comic and enjoyed it over the past few years.
Very difficult to invest time in things that feel like a show got canceled without a proper ending, but you have to do
What you have to do. Hopefully it won’t be too long before we get a bit more. I’ll check on your other comic and see what it’s about (have never read it).
I loved OoME – I love MH – both these comics have fantastic art, and great worlds, I look forward to seeing more!
Yay! for OOME! I have both comics in my favorites list on Top Web Comics and vote daily. I would think that going back and forth between them could keep things fresh for you both. Looking forward to the future updates, no matter which comic.
Honestly? Don’t really care WHAT story you’re telling. Just as long as you’re telling a story!
And besides, you can always come back to this one later, or if you’re ever feeling stuck.
Seems like a reasonable approach if the bug is biting to return to OOME. Muses can be fickle things, and there’s no shame in alternating if that’s where the flow of inspiration is pulling you.
While I’m sad we won’t get to see how this story ends (at least not anytime soon) I am really excited for the return of OOME. I really loved that story and was sad when it went on hiatus.
I’m excited to see more worldbuilding, but if I can offer some unsolicited advice, if it’s mostly about the art quality and less about the story, maybe don’t restart? I think it’s inevitable that art styles will shift and grow over the course of a many-chaptered body of work, and going back to keep it all consistent will become a never-ending cycle. Crystal Yates did a complete restart of her Earthsong saga, and then by the time she finished it and wanted to do print editions of the full story (I think possibly even reprints of the early chapters) she felt the need to go back and do yet another art update because of course her art continued to improve when drawing a few hundred pages. For me, one of the joys of seeing these long projects is watching the art style grow and evolve and change over time.
Anyway, super thrilled for the retun of OOME! If I can make one request, please keep the old version available somewhere on the interwebs? I love it and it will be neat to compare the two versions once the new one has a few chapters to it.
So does this mean you will periodically switch between comics as the muse strikes the team?
While it will be sad to put this on indefinite hiatus, it’s better to do so before the creator(s) (artist or author) gets burnt out and doesn’t produce as fine of work as they had been
Bit late to the party on this one but I been coming here just about every Monday since the original opening dream sequence and I’m not gonna stop now because of a little thing like the comic no longer updating
Same here (well, may not be every Monday, once a week at least, including voting)
No way we’re goin back to OomE. Man I was followin that shit back in the early days, glad to see it’s coming back it was always one of my favs.
Looks like OOME is finally starting back: https://oomecomic.com/comic/super-secret/
Well, crap. I was really enjoying the world and character building; I actually had started to like and respect Hass. But I thank you for the memories and the stories!