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Physical Depiction:
Clad in bright colours and florescent essence, Cindrani is often depicted as a woman with lively, black curls and pale blue skin. Across her beautiful face is a fluorescent skull, painted upon her beautiful features. Her eyes shine golden in the night, contrasting her blue skin tone.
Her long, curled hair descends down to her back. Each curl glows an eerie light at the tip of the curl, returning to the dark black as it rises to her scalp.
Across her neck, she wears a scarf made of songs, which is often depicted as moving on its own. The scarf wraps about her shoulders and swirls about her chest, but is never so close as to touch her body. It forever plays a rhythm of dance as Cindrani moves, forever keeping her in her own beat.
Along her arms, the same fluorescent markings can be seen, each giving off a different colour with her movements. Long, dangerous-looking fingernails extend from her slender fingers.
Her midriff is visible in most depictions, her navel and the markings around it visible for everyone to see. Sometimes the markings are made to resemble a maw of razorsharp teeth, other times, they resemble the form of the Oculus with its rays of light.
A long slip of orange cloth is affixed to waist via an almost invisible string. The cloth drapes over her crotch and her ass, barely concealing anything, but flowing endlessly in her movements.
On her feet she is depicted as wearing a pair of heeled shoes.
When stories talk about Cindrani, they often mention that her voice sounds like a chilling, enchanting song, beckoning any mortal who hears it to listen.
Cindrani is the Goddess of Fate and Freedom. She is considered the ultimate last chance and judge of whether or not someone has lived a good life, or at least, a happy one.
Often prayed to at large points of decision in people’s lives, Cindrani is prayed to in hopes that the individual’s fate will go according to how they believe they want it to.
In the opposite, when someone wishes to escape their obligations or set path, they often will invoke Cindrani’s name in hopes that the Goddess will help them find a way to change their destiny.
While Cindrani has among the fewest of followers among the Planes, many people question the Goddess’ power, for she can take the other Gods’ creations from them on a whim.
Music is often associated with this Goddess. As such, musicians and entertainers hold Cindrani in high regard. Who else would know a good tune or show other than the Goddess whose entire Plane is one big party?