Ch1 19 by Alli on September 12, 2016 at 4:01 am Chapter: Chapter 1: Living The DreamCharacters: Calen, Hasera Sudden dwarf arrival is sudden. Those stone dwellers just pop out of nowhere!
Those names are brilliant.
I want to know who/what Calen kissed and how/why he survived.
But the most pressing question is this: Why does that dwarf have no beard? No self-respecting dwarf would go around without a beard adorned with gems. She’s just a short human isn’t she?
She may be, but that accent is very telling. I think the Order just has really restrictive dress (beard) codes. The sexist pigs.
This dwarf is the CUTEST! Sorry Hasera, she wins the cute award!
It’ll be way more than a week this time because plot armour (hopefully)…