Ch3 09
We all know Lark’s going to sleep with a succubus at one point or another. The real question is: will Lu be joining in?
With the continued pain in Alli’s wrist, My Hero! will continue to try and update once a week until the situation returns to normal. Alli recently saw a doctor who informed her she needed to take a full-on test to see what the problem is, but was informed that whatever it was – it had caused damage to some of the muscles in her hand (near the thumb, mostly). We’ll keep you all posted on the conditions.
Suffice to say, we’re going to be updating as much as we can, but Alli will be only working when her wrist is capable of holding out. Hopefully we can get this fixed and return to our planned schedule in the near future. Fingers crossed (No, not you, Alli, you’ll hurt yourself)
Sorry Alli – but having your wrist “not currently in pain” does NOT mean you have finished your resting. Healing from soft tissue damage is like taking your antibiotics. You’ll fell better quite a bit before you are actually done healing up. And repeatedly interrupting the healing process will make it take MUCH longer to finish healing.
Take a break – we’ll wait!
I agree with Kin take a break. The last thing you want is surgery. We will understand and still be able to live. Hope you get better soon though.
Now there is a man with a plan, do the bucket list BUT save the surely fatal and possibly soul damning bit for last…I mean if you are going to die. Might as well go with a satisfied smile I say. WHAT HO! I look forward to my end…and the interesting things that happen before it.
It does strike me as less of a ‘bucket list’ thing and more of a ‘how I want to go’ thing.
Lark clearly doesn’t get sarcasm (when somebody else is using it).
Wait, Sarcasm isn’t a super power? Jerza’il’s patience! *Scratches ‘Sarcasm’ off potential Godblood powers list.*
And here I thought Lark was just trolling her by pretending he didn’t recognise the sarcasm.
I’d guess that the mere allusion to her being a sexy demon, right after he’d been cock-blocked twice, made him think with his other brain, the one with a very narrow focus and simple concepts…
If a doctor told you Alli to take a full-on rest, you should do just that. Like Kin and stormangel said, we can wait, and your health is far more important thant the comic (yes it is).
Thanks everyone! I’m going to take a few weeks rest while I do some physio and see if that can help my hand issues, until I get that appointment for the test I need to take.
You all are amazing! Thank you again for all your support! =D
The website has a lovely RSS feed that can let us know when you’re back from your break. Make sure to HEAL and not just rest long enough to make sure you can reinjure…
You do understand that our concern is purely selfish. If you permanently injure yourself, we’ll never get to see the rest of your stories! Please be careful and follow your doctor’s orders.
Yeah, we look forward to seeing your work in the future, so take care of yourself today!
Seriously, take the rest and then some. I had a sprain that I kept re-injuring for *years* because the doctor told me “6 weeks.” If I’d just babied it for 6 months instead of 6 weeks, it would have been all better in one year instead of four. Instead I had this stupid series of going a little longer each time and then re-injuring it again.
I should make a bucket list for myself. I’ve been meaning to do that for so long now…
Things to do before I die:
1) make a bucket list.
2) …
3) …
that is one awesome way to go
Good luck with the healing process! While we are (please!) not taking any risks when it comes to recovery, … are our favorite suspects still reviewing comics?
Of course they are! However, if there are any out there who would like to have a certain comic reviewed by the duo, all they need to do is place a link in the comments. We should be doing more reviews when update continue (Though for the first part, we’ll be going to one page a week in order to allow Alli a chance to get back into the swing of things)
Oh boy. Mine’s a huge reading list but I’ll throw one in.
What a way to go! 😍