Ch3 24
Again, Alli has vetoed the musical number I had planned for the common folk cheering on their intrepid hero. There was going to be choreographed dancing, some flying doves and even some pyrotechnics… Well… I guess I know why she vetoed that… Oh well. Maybe next time.

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When will Hasera ever get over the fact that Lark likes to bang? Is she secretly jealous?
The real question is: jealous of whom? Lark who gets to bang everything or the floosies who are getting banged?
A question to be contemplated for ages to come
Robert Heinlein’s “Glory Road” pointed out that there are cultures in which Heroism and Heros are idolized to the extent that many men would turn a blind eye to their wives bedding said Heros, just for the chance to claim to raise Heroic offspring who would each call those men “Dad”. If Hasera’s culture is anything like that, then Hasera would know it, and the fire in her eyes, in that last panel, could be inappropriate. At least as far as cultural mores are concerned.
But that fire could be appropriate per Lark apparently claiming all the credit for defeating the monster….
Let’s be honest – it’s probably a little bit of anger towards Lark’s nocturnal activities and a lot of anger towards her not getting any credit.
I will agree that we all know Hasera has dreamed of claiming Lark for something more permanent than a one-night-stand. On the other hand, the way the two of them got off to a rocky start, how much of that dream survives? More than she is willing to admit to herself, maybe?
It seems to be more a lot and a little. Hasera has gone thru extensive training, and her own belief, that her role is secondary. She is there to keep Link alive & victorious, not to become famous. She would not be an unusual 2nd banana in thinking she deserved top billing, but she would also know the cheers go to the star, and would largely keep the unfairness of it all to herself. By contrast, seeing all these hussies trying to steal her man, even temporarily, and even if she doesn’t want him, that would enrage a huge percentage of women, and nobody in range is safe.
Hasera can’t be the only woman who has dreamed of having Lark all to herself. Every one of those women is likely to consider all her competitors to be “hussies”.
I think Hasera should be somewhat happy that at least she “has” Lark in terms of the Champion/Guardian binding, and no one else has that connection to him. (On the other hand, if he enjoys his encounters with other women, how much of that enjoyment will leak through the binding and distress Hasera? She doesn’t know, yet, but I’m almost certain she is going to find out!)
Hey, Jim, that last thing in my just-above comment led me to think of a possible inconsistency in the story. If Lark had actually died inside the monster, wouldn’t Hasera have felt it through the binding? Maybe she just isn’t familiar enough with it yet to have known he was still alive when she was “eulogizing” him….
That is correct! Some members of the fan base pointed out that little tell, but Hasera hasn’t been personally informed of the whole ‘Connection’ thing. It’ll be explained to her in due time. Thank you for pointing out a possible plot hole though – I hate those things.
It could still be a plot hole depending on how much Hasera knew, from Guardian school, about what the binding enables. (Thinking back, though, it appears she didn’t know very much, like why the one fellow hid during the initial ceremony, or what such a large glowing orb might mean, or that explosions were sometimes possible when the binding was triggered….
Ah, I got it! She spent so much time daydreaming about Lark that she didn’t pay much attention to her lessons. No wonder she can’t cast healing or protection spells!
She’s apparently done well – really well, in fact – in some of her other classes. So there’s probably more to it than simple inattention.
Those would be the classes she liked. People always learn better the stuff they are most interested in.
I’m thinking that Has is pissed that Lark isn’t living up to her ideal of him as Virtuous, Chivalrous and *hers*…
As to the answer to Hasera’s question, it is possible that Link, and most other heroes, are followed, at a safe distance, by a number of fans, who of course, get closer once the danger is taken care of. Alternately, there may be some sort of magical “all clear” signal to tell everyone it’s time to ooo and ah. Or it may just be mundane, that there are lots of people around who are out of sight until there is this big noise, and then silence that suggests it is safe to find out what happened.
Following on from last update’s discussion, this might be part of the “curse” (which might have been a god’s idea of a blessing). Wherever he goes, there’s monsters to kill, no real danger to himself because he apparently can’t actually be hurt, and always a posse of admiring women to thank him for slaying the monster afterwards.
Like a kind of Valhalla that you don’t need to die to get into. The problem being the collateral damage among those who don’t have the blessing…
Gods I love that last panel with the fire in her eyes…
Well this conversation is about to fun. I didn’t say your butt, you should be dead, and cue argument now. The fire in her eyes while purple and annoyed angel is a nice touch. Here comes the challenged if I actually new protection spells and could cast them you would have a permanent ward around you to keep the hussies at bay.
“Lark has saved us!”
“Wait, how do you know Lark saved you?”
“His shirt is missing again! That always happens when he saves people from ravaging monsters!”
Pretty much, yeah
This really is sounding more and more like some god’s idea of a blessing…
Somehow it seems to me that that is a clue about protection spells, or lack thereof. Wouldn’t such a spell protect his clothes as well as his body? Meanwhile if the curse has some associated degree of protection, it could encompass only him and the upper part of his pants….
How would he know what constitutes a Guardian’s Protection spell? He’s a Champion. He went to The Champion Hall for his training. He didn’t go to “Guardian School” or whatever it’s called.
Well, we know Lark has had multiple Guardians, who we can be fairly sure knew how to cast healing and protection spells. He’s been in the field long enough to notice how well each Guardian did at those things, compared to other Guardians. He might have never actually needed a protection spell, but what Guardian knew that in advance? And if he had NEVER been injured enough to need healing, something like that would have gotten into the books about Lark’s exploits. While his Guardian previous to Hasera might have only lasted a week, how many monsters did he fight in that week?
I suspect that while Lark has plenty of relevant data about different casters of protection spells, he has never had reason to pay close attention to that data. Whatever minimal amount of protection he has that is unrelated to what a typical Guardian is able to cast, he thinks Hasera was able to do that minimum –and it was sufficient for the battle just finished.
On another topic altogether, I’ve been wondering about the lady with the wings, in the bottom panel. She doesn’t look very happy –and I thought I remembered that one of the High Council members had wings. So I looked up some prior comics, and, yes, but this lady isn’t that guy. However, in Ch1;15 another fellow with wings is apparently called a “Seraph”, and in Ch3;12 Lark indicates that the dwelling where the letter is to be delivered probably belongs to a Seraph. So, this could be the unhappen owner of a just-demolished dwelling. I now expect her to interrupt Hasera’s claim for credit for killing the monster –or, worse, if Hasera says enough about that, before getting interrupted, to focus her wrath on Hasera….
Good catch. This would be the Seraph who owned the house (Now a pile of rubble)
Guardians the Champions Scapegoat since…. hmmm I guess since being established?
I hope Jim and Allison are okay–the update schedule here seems to have gone to pot.
Just a note: Alli’s Surface (The device she uses to draw the comic) broke two weeks ago. It’s coming back to our loving arms today (Hopefully). This should fix our update schedule.
Yeah I noticed that. I hope they don’t live in the Houston area.
No, but our thoughts go out to them. Those poor souls need all the help they can get.
Well still glad you are both alright then, with the disaster of the Hurricane Harvey and that mess going on suddenly all went quiet I believe many of us were starting to worry. Glad you are both doing fine.