Ch4 07
I wonder what kind of deal Lark is going to try and cut with his Guardian? Possibly offer her some of his vast fortune for her silence? Or perhaps promise to include her name in one of his upcoming books? Maybe he is going to challenge her to an arm-wrestling competition? Who knows! Your guess is as good as mine!
“And leave the poor inn keeper void of any recompense?” I hope Hasera still remembers whose responsible for that…
Also it’s recompense, not recompence. There’s no british way to write that. At least according to
Obviously it was all Lark’s fault. If he hadn’t been the exact opposite of what the stories say about him, Hasera would never have doubted he was who he claimed to be and thus, no explosion would have happened in the room. So, totes his fault and not hers. Not one bit. At all. Ever. Especially that ice stuff. All him. Yyyyyyyyyyyyyup.
Also: Whoops. My bad on recompense. Will fix soon.
The version I’m seeing still appears to have the typo.
I’m curious about how long Lark can peacefully mind his own business before the next monster shows up. Was wondering if he knows he has to be elsewhere than an inn in order to be ready for it, to minimize collateral damage and casualties. That could be a legitimate excuse for leaving at such an early-morning hour.
On the other hand, of course, if it is simply going to be canon that Lark is a jerk, despite relatively polite behavior in all the prior pages…. (is anyone else detecting some inconsistency here?)
Being ‘polite’ (He did tell her to take two men home to loosen up) to a fresh-eyed newbie who doesn’t listen to a word you say and sneaking out of a tavern for (currently) unknown reasons are two very different things. To be frank, Lark is cynical, jaded and uninterested in the politics behind The Order and their decisions. What he does know is how to be a Champion.
This knowledge, gained through years of experience, includes all the loopholes in contractual obligations, the liability of claims put against a Champion of the Order and the pay-out from said Order to those who claim they are owed. There is a reason The Order are not too fond of the man’s wake of destruction. It’s not necessarily because of the collateral damages caused, but more-over because he keeps having The Order foot the bill and pay for the clean-up rather than sticking around wasting his time with mundane tasks to help eventually repay the debt he’s accrued. (There will be some hints/explanations of this throughout a future chapter where Lark and Hasera return to The Order, but that’s still 3 chapters away)
Any other inconsistencies are caused by a Wizard.
Thank you. Now the only remaining question on that topic is, “Why did all those different Guardians previously connected to Lark let him get away with it?” Sure, people are people and some of them will have had an attitude similar to Lark’s, but others would have been like Hasera, honorable and outraged by such behavior. They can’t ALL have died before reporting to the Order some of the details about things like Lark skipping town. Not unless Lark is an actual Guardian-killing bad guy. Can’t Lark be kicked out of the Order for not upholding Champion standards?
Nothing is to say that previous Guardians haven’t reported Lark’s gross negligence of his tasks.
One thing outweighs everything else, though:

“The Lark” is a cash cow. The name, the prestige, the books, the posters, the stories that are told… All of these things bring The Order rounds. Removing Lark from the roster would hurt their bottom line, even with him costing them a new inn once and a while. (Again, this will be explored in the future. For now, this is all I can say)
After all, the PR department had to have some material to work with besides round about tales from surviviours. Course in his case, they probably have stacks of stuff, that didn’t make it into the books, etc.
*Gasp!* Are you suggesting that the Chronicles of Lark are not a literal retelling of every aspect of The Lark’s life and may have been overly dramatized in certain areas, facets or plot points?! How dare you, sir!?