Ch8 12
Ta-dah! It’s Calen (Alli decided it would be easier to fix it this way)! I mean, most of you who read the comments figured it out, so there’s no big surprise there!
I wonder what’s got him feeling so out of sorts! Last we saw him, he was full of himself and talking down his nose at Hasera.
Oh, the turntables, the turntables.
So, who wants to take a stab at what happened? After all, the other champions said that only Lark was Mr. Danger follows me everywhere! So… what happened?
Wait, is it Kalen or Calen? [confusion intensifies]
It’s supposed to be Kalen with a K. I need to go back and fix chapter 1 lol.
Calen-with-a-C is (currently) tagged in two pages, 1-17 and 18. Amusingly, whether it’s a C or a K is covered up on the results page. (I’m looking with my phone)
He’s also on 1-19, but not tagged.
Excellent sleuthing, Jua! We’ll get that fixed!
This has been rectified!
Umm… (nervous shuffling) aren’t you going to tag him on 8-11 and 8-12?
Fixed on those two. Usually I’m the back-end guy, so I have barely any input other than comments and text blurbs for pages. I’ve added Calen to all the pages you mentioned. The comic version should be fixed in the near future!
and the spelling in the comic itself?
Isn’t the thing about Lark that he keeps surviving when his guardian doesn’t? Other Champions are still going to end up in hairy situations as well, but without the Lark’s apparent invulnerability, most Champions probably end up dead themselves before they can rack up too many dead Guardians.
Quite true! At least Kalen is still alive, right?
Pr he could just be really WELL preserved with that much Slippery. Jim in his system
Just because they’re Champions doesn’t mean they’re nice people, just that they’re competent at dealing with monsters. Sounds like Lady Monetella IS a monster, personality-wise.
What happened? why the worst thing that could happen to anyone! He got exactly what he wanted
Truly, that can be the greatest curse of all.
Well he could have been fired! especially if the game overall director required it.
This ought to be good. 😜